Scheduling Tool for Agricultural Operations of Bashkir-Agroinvest

Scheduling Tool for Agricultural Operations of Bashkir-Agroinvest

Development of agricultural operations simulation-based planning model for Bashkir-Agroinvest LLC. The model uses multiple heuristics to generate schedule of operations considering multiple constraints such as limited time windows, dependencies between operations, limited number of equipment units, etc. The model also estimates the number of external resources to be rented to meet the operations deadlines.

Period: August 2016 – May 2017
Industry: Agriculture
Client / Partner: Bashkir-Agroinvest / Ernst & Young

Project objective

Development of the planning system for uniform distribution of agricultural equipment capacity utilization throughout the whole season

The main stages of work and characteristics of the model

  • Development and testing of a model on the AnyLogic 7 platform
  • Verification and validation of the model
  • Technical support the consultants who implemented the model as a decision support tool used on regular basis

Model input data

  • Information about fields and land plots (field size, grown culture, etc.)
  • Information about infrastructure facilities (warehouses, garages, etc.)
  • Information about agricultural operations (technological gaps dates, standard rates of production, etc.)
  • Information about agricultural equipment (types, schedules of maintenance, etc.)

The main structural elements of the model

  • Input data file of scenario in MS Excel format
  • Simulation model with interactive presentation
  • Data aggregation module that allows to generate MS Excel files with the simulation results

Model output data

  • Schedule of own equipment utilization for agricultural operations throughout the whole season
  • Calculation of equipment number required to meet the operations deadlines
  • Report about operations performed with a delay because of lack of equipment

Project result

Simulation-based tool that allows to generate schedule of operations considering multiple constraints such as limited time windows, dependencies between operations, limited number of equipment units, etc. The model also estimates the number of external resources to be rented to meet the operations deadlines